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Fortunately, a very large number of developers have created software for use with our OBD integrated circuits. We list just a sampling of what is available here, to. ENl32Jb62vAJ1AVebNrDOH1L7KN78AeLDcRdi3H9JJT_pB4JEyO4DXS8fZ9pM3o_QE74=h900' alt='Aldl Software Free Download' title='Aldl Software Free Download' />Scantool Readings. Home. Scan tool Parameter Interpretation and Use. It is virtually impossible to successfully improve a turbo. Buick beyond factory spec and hope to keep it together without a scan tool. Chevrolet Message Forums offering FREE technical assistance for your restoration and repair. Model specific subject matter experts, classified ads and more. The OBD2allinone pc scan tool to turn off the check engine light on OBD2 cars and trucks is made and sold by OBD Diagnostics Inc. Our automotive diagnostic tools can. Further, it will be impossible to tune it when using a modern, programmable. In fact, if one has an original, completely stock car, one will be. One needs at a minimum. Against, I stress the word minimum. The simplest scan tools connect to the ALDL port under the dash. ECM.   The ECM controls. Connection thru. the ALDL port provides one frame of information every 1. On a. very quick car, this is not very frequent, but there have been cars in the Nines. Some tools, like the. Scan. Master, are normally permanently. The most comprehensive scan tools connect to the factory engineering. ECM which is normally covered by the ECM case. These units report data at a sample rate greater than 2. ALDL port. They provide data logging so that runs may be recorded on a laptop and replayed. This is invaluable when it comes to performing an in depth analysis of the. Power. Logger. is the latest such and its output may be directed. Scan. Master to increase its data rate to five times per second as well as. Educar En El Asombro Catherine L Ecuyer Pdf. Scan. Master.   A laptop may be connected to it and several minutes of data may be. To my knowledge, the Scan. Master is the only scan tool. Buick that is intended for full time use. Normally, it is permanently connected to the wiring going to the ECM although it. ALDL port if one wanted a mobile version. Again, I consider it absolutely essential if one wants to avoid disaster as much. I do not like the free. Winaldl.   One has too much money tied up to trust it to. Below is the table of parameters available thru the Scan. Master. which can be viewed. This table is. straight out of thee. Scan. Master instruction booklet. These parameters are what can be expected from an. Before I address the above parameters, let me state that some of the. L8, Int, and BL are specific to mass air set ups that are. ECM.  Our cars originally came with Mass. Air Flow sensors in the intake tract. This sensor measures the amount of. ECM which uses it to. The unit of measurement is grams per second. From the factory, the MAP sensor  does nothing to affect. ECM.   It only drives the digital boost gauge unless it is. In recent years, some programmers such as. Eric Marshall. Bob Bailey, and Steve Yaklin have. Speed density systems dont. Instead, they use manifold air pressure and rpm. In this case, the MAP sensor becomes an. Power. Logger to feed the data into. ECM. There are pros and cons to both systems, and there are plenty of articles. Net regarding such if one is interested in a more in depth. For our cars, those in emission inspection states will. I am currently running Turbo. Tweak. speed density chips in both my. I have no emissions concerns at the moment. Closed loop set ups use the feedback from the factory O2 sensor to. Open loop systems do not use feedback from the O2 to adjust fueling at part. Some chips may use a combination of open loop and closed loop operation such. Some chips may also use input from a wideband O2 sensor to control fueling at. It is important to read the instructions. If there is something that. After writing the below, I found that Eric had written similar. He has also compiled information on. Power. Logger.   See that write up here. Enough digression, lets get back to the Scan. Master parameters shown in. The first thing I noted when I looked at them is that there is no mention on. Scan. Master instructions of. This happens. to be one of the most useful displays in day to day driving. O2 voltage and Timing Retard. When the unit powers up, it displays the oxygen sensor voltage in millivolts. The O. E. M. oxygen sensor is a. AF of 1. 4. 7 to 1. On our cars, this is represented by. O2 reading of 4. 41 mv as displayed on scan tools like Scan. Master, or. Power. Logger.   Voltage displayed less than this number are said to be Lean. Rich.   But, there is a big catch here. Leaner or Richer refers to the stochiometric ratio which is 1. This has nothing to do with what ratio produces the. That ratio is a variable which depends upon. If your scan tool says rich or lean, it means in comparison to. It is not referring to wide open. As stated above, the factory oxygen sensor is only accurate at one point. Look at the NB O2 graph under Basics to see this visually. Other than in the. AF.   However, we have been using it for years with the concept. My experience, with my particular carscombinations, is that at wide. These are wide open throttle numbers at speed in third gear. Now, go. O2 graph again and understand the futility of guessing a. AF.   Those who have installed wideband O2s that do provide an. AF know how futile this actually is. Given that the output of. O2 is affected by heat and pressure,  it is easy to see that. At idle, with a closed loop chip, the 0. With an open loop chip, they will be fairly stable. In essence, then, at wide open throttle, we tend to run as lean as we can without incurring. Remember that use of Leaded Race Gas will drastically shorten the life of an. O2 sensor and will affect the readings, sometimes after only a few runs. Some believe the Denso sensor will resist degradation longer than the factory. AC.   The Bosch wideband sensors dont like lead either and a short life can. Be sure to read the Cross Counts. Now, on the initial default, screen, there is a second parameter. This is Timing Retard. Timing retard is shown on the right hand side of the display when the ECM. In my experience, when one actually hears. How much Damage.   Before we hear it, the ECM has sensed it. Popcap Games Serial Codes here. The number. displayed is in degrees so that if one sees 3. Scan. Master display on the. ECM perceives as detonation. If the next frame of data that hits. Scan. Master now shows 7. ECM has pulled even more timing trying to prevent damage. In all likelihood, the number will continue to increase if the detonation is. One, you lift off the gas, or, two. Now, everyone wants to know how much timing retard is safe. The correct. NONE. In the real world, two. Two degrees of timing retard on a 3. It is not the timing. It is the detonation that causes the timing. In my opinion, the timing retard display on the Scan. Master is one of. The. money saved with this feature alone will be returned the first time you save. One never knows when an injector may not spray right, cause a lean. Myself, I run an audible alarm in conjunction so I make sure something gets my. I get my foot out of it until I know what is happening. These knock alarms run off the raw data input and the warnings may not always be. I know if I have not been getting and alarm, and then I suddenly. AF Mass Air Sensor Flow MAFAs stated at the beginning of this section, our cars come from. Note that it measures mass and not volume. Hot air is less dense than cold air and thereby has less air molecules in a. Given that it is the number of air. The original factory mass air sensor iswas capable of. This is displayed. ECM.   The later LT 1LS 1 mafs that can be used. Bob Baileys Translator. This parameter is a big help in troubleshooting. One of. MAF.   This is particularly true if the original style MAF is being used. To verify operation, turn the key on, but do not start the engine. The AF. Then, start the engine. With a normal idle speed, it will normally read 4 6, and, may read 7 if the. If the MAF is reading in this range, one can be pretty. Now, the MAF can also lose calibration at higher mass flows. As stated prior, 2. MADS Electronics Smarty, Smarty Junior, SSR Tuners for the Dodge Cummins Diesel. The MADS. Electronics tuning software is well known as Ca. TCHER software. MADS Electronics original products were EPROMs and Flash EPROMs. OEM EPROMs and Flash EPROMs located in the. These chips, just. Also the. fuel consumption is one of the most important point of MADS. Electronics research. Ca. TCHER software can be used to reduce. With the. advent of OBD II vehicle control module in the early 1. ALDL ports which allowed dealers and service. So today. instead of chips, MADS Electronics products are hand held. Installation is quick. Q. What does Ca. TCHER stand for A. Ca. TCHER. stands for Clutch and Traction Challenger. Q. What is so special about the Ca. TCHER A. The. Ca. TCHER software is a unique animal. It improves throttle. It spools up the turbo sooner. On average 2. 00 RPM sooner. It deals with the injection timing. It alters the torque management. Just to mention a few benefits. Customers report that the engine now hangs on. Q. What has Smarty to do with the Ca. TCHER software A. Smarty. is the tool you need to update your ECM with any level of. Ca. TCHER software. There are ten different software packs. Smarty you can choose from. Q. Whats the difference in the Ca. TCHER software A. Mainly. the throttle response, or maybe better the aggressiveness. Since the full blown Ca. TCHER develops. torque instantly, it can become a pain to drive it on slippery. Thus the need to reduce the response some. Further. more, there are Ca. TCHER versions with and without added timing. Smarty. The software without added timing are. Ca. TCHER. Q. Does Smarty have only Ca. TCHER software on board A. No. Smarty offers SW 0 that provides about HALF the power of. Emissions. Ehm. SW 1 is a Fuel Saver software. SW 2 deals only with fuel and boost. SW 3 is fuel, boost, and timing. The remaining levels can be. Ca. TCHERs. Q. Does Smarty do the boost fooling functionA. Yes. all the the software modules in Smarty have modified boost. Except SW0 and of course stockQ. Could you take Smarty and install it on several different. A. Yes No problem, when you go back to stock Smarty unlocks from. VIN and ECM. Now youre ready to go into another truck. As many times as you want. Q. Can Smarty go from one program to another, or do you have. A. You. can go from any software to any other software. There. is no need to go back to stock. Q. Is Smarty ECM or VIN sensitive A. YES Smarty only works with one truck AND one ECM at one time. Q. What if a dealer flashes the ECM and Smarty was not returned. Is my Smarty now useless A. Weve. been asked that question many times. Upon request, there is. Smarty. Should a reflash happen. Smarty returned to stock first, you need to. Smarty and the. VIN of your truck. With that. information we can provide you with a password that will allow. Smarty to update your ECM. That password will work ONLY ONE. TIME. That means that you can unlock Smarty from the ECM only. Q. Which version of stock will the Smarty come with. Smarty. does NOT download the complete original software from the. ECM and does not store it into its memory. That is for a. simple reason. The protocol in the ECM does not allow to read. How can Smarty then return to stock Simple. It has all the latest stock software already on board. When. you choose to return the truck back to stock, Smarty takes. ECM with. that software. Q. Is Smartys DTC reader also VIN locked A. No. the DTC reader works always in any truck. Even when Smarty. VIN locked to your truck, you can still diagnose your. MADS did not want you to have the hassle of. Q. How long does it take to update the ECM with Smarty A. Weve. done some serious research in order to minimize the time needed. Weve developed special boot loaders which. A typical. update is done in about two minutes with Smarty S 0. A and. three and a half minutes with Smarty S 0. A. Once you get used. Smarty it takes a few minutes from the moment you plug. Smarty to finish. With the fastest competition it takes more. Q. Does the Smarty Mount in the truck. Smarty. needs to be plugged into the OBD port of your truck, program. ECM, then unplugged. Q. If the update is interrupted, how can I recover the ECM First. An interrupted update is a piece of cake. Smarty. Smarty will recover your truck automatically back. STOCK software. Unlike the competition, you dont have. Smarty will handle the. You just need to turn the key on, plug. Smarty and follow the on screen instructions. A special. boot loader does that job. Q. Can a dealer detect Smarty If you. Smarty updates are NOTdetectable by the dealer Q. Does the Ca. TCHER raise the rev limiter The Ca. TCHER. versions alter the high RPM settings in the ECM for fuel. Depending upon the mods done to the engine. Q. How much horsepower will the Ca. TCHER add to my 9. A. The. Ca. TCHER is VERY noticeable from idle up. As soon as you touch. KNOW that the Ca. TCHER is in there. First of all, the power added by the Ca. TCHER depends upon. On a stock engine, typically. HP increase at the rear wheels of about 6. HP. With taller. injectors, the HP gain increases. How much That depends upon. The best mod combined. Ca. TCHER is without doubt a good set of injectors. Fuel pump. wire tapping boxes without added timing come next if youre. HP. In that kind of scenario, the Ca. TCHER becomes. very noticeable in the top HP range. Some customers have gained. HP with that kind of stack above all other stacks. Is. there a warranty on this product Of course Anyway, let me mention the fact that out of the over 2. Smartys sold thus far, we have had only five defective units. MADS uses the strictest quality control possible. Every single. unit is tested individually four different times during the. Everything is traceable. MADS knows exactly where the parts. MADS wants. the Smarty products to be as trouble free as possible.