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VPd3ulsBnXGh5HZU2oAi.png' alt='Edgefx Software' title='Edgefx Software' />PPT irrigationGTU Power. Point presentation free to view. Title irrigationGTU 1. Water Managements 2. INTRODUCTIONNecessity of irrigation Inadequate rainfall Uneven distribution of rainfall Increasing the yield of crops Growing a number of crops Growing perennial cropscrops such as sugarcane Growing superior crops crops such as oil seeds, cotton, fruits, vegetables etc. Insurance against drought 3 Merits of irrigation. It is broadly classified as direct and allied benefits Increase in crop yield Cultivation of superior crops Protection from famine Elimination of mixed cropping Increase in revenue Saving foreign exchange Canal plantation Communication facilities Aid in civilization Overall development Hydroelectric power Flood control Domestic and industrial water supply Inland navigation Increase in ground water storage 4. Demerits of irrigation. Water logging. 2 Damp climate. Mosquitoes nuisance. The irrigation projects having a culturable commanded area of more than 1. Examples Bhakra nangal, Beas Indira Gandhi canal, Damodar valley, Hirakund, Nagarjun sagar etc. Edgefx Software' title='Edgefx Software' />The irrigation projects having a culturable commanded area of less than 2. Examples construction of open wells, tube wells, small canals and tanks 5 Classification of irrigation methods. A. Natural irrigation 1. Rainfall 2. Inundation canal system B. Artificial irrigation 1. Flow irrigation   Perennial canal non perennial canal system 2. Lift irrigation   Open well tube well 3. Sprinkler irrigation 4. Drip irrigation 6. WATER REQUIREMENT OF CROP Suitability of soil for crops Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are extensively used by the plants and therefore called primary nutrients. Calcium, magnesium and sulphur are called secondary nutrients. Iron, zinc, boron, copper, chlorine is called micro nutrients. Methods of improving soil fertility The deficient soil can be improved or cured by any of the following four methods By giving sufficient rest to the land By adding different manures or fertilizer to the land By adopting suitable farming methods By crop rotation Water holding capacity of soil Water holding capacity mainly depends upon the porosity of the soil. The porosity is defined as the ratio of the volume of pores to the total volume of a soil mass. Usually expressed in percentage. Autograss oneclick grass for VRay. Select your object, click Autograss, and youre done. Youve got photorealistic grass that renders in VRay for 3ds Max. On Irrigation as per G. T. U A free PowerPoint PPT presentation displayed as a Flash slide show on PowerShow. YjIzZ. Porosity n VvV 1. Where Vv is the volume of voids and V is the total volume. What Font To Use For Wedding Programs. Porosity is related to the void ratio e by the relation n e1e The void ratio is defined as the ratio of the volume of voids to the volume of solids. VvVs Thus the greater the porosity of a soil the greater is the water holding capacity. Duty of water. Duty is usually defined as the area of land which can be irrigated if one cumec of water was applied to the land continuously for the entire base period of the crop. It is expressed in hectarescumecs The base period is the period between the first watering and last watering. It is slightly different than crop period which is the period between the time of sowing and the time of harvesting the crop. Both expressed in days. It is defined as the total depth of water required by a crop during the entire base period. It is the limited period for which for its growth any crop requires more quantity of water. Dell PowerEdge, Dell OpenManage Dell PowerEdge servers running Dell OpenManage software utilize SNMPv1, however this software makes use of the operating systems. Pwm controller testing. For the pwm controller schematic view my website httpwww. It is known as kor period. It varies between 2 4 weeks It is the extra water to be supplied for watering a particular crop, which extends from one season to another 9 The ratio of the number of days the canal has actually run to the number of days of irrigation period. The total area including roads, villages etc. GCACulturable commanded area That area over which cultivation is possible within project G. C. A. is known as culturable commanded area. It is obtained by deducting uncultured area like ponds, forest, village etc. G. C. A. The base period differs from crop to crop. When base period is more, more water will be required, which will result in reduction of duty of water. For small base period crops, the duty of water shall be more. Relation between duty, delta and base period In birdie text book pg no 4. Factors affecting duty. Type of soil Type of crop Structure of soil Slope of ground Climatic conditions Method of cultivation System of irrigation Method of application of water Age and frequency of cultivation Condition, type and location of the canal Method of assessment of water Skill of cultivators Base period Salt content of soil 1. Consumptive use of water The consumptive use of water for a crop is the quantity of water consumed by it for evaporation, transpiration and metabolism. This also includes the water consumed by accompanying weed growth, if any Water supplied by rainfall to the crops and subsequently evaporated without having entered the plant system is also a part of the consumptive use. The value of the consumptive use is different for different crops, even for the same crop, its value is different stages and places. It varies throughout the day, the week, the month 1. Consumptive use of water The values of the monthly consumptive use are generally determined for a given crop at a given place to estimate the total water requirements. The consumptive use depends on a number of factors, enumerated below   Evaporation wind velocity nature of leaves of plants Humidity water table length of growing season Temperature soil and topography day time hours Growing season intensity of sunlight Cropping pattern amount foliage Precipitation stage of growth   Direct measurement and empirical methods can be use for determination of the consumptive use 1. Methods of reckoning duty Consumptive use of water basis Inductive method Critical growth period basis Major crop grown in each season Refer pg no 6. HYDROLOGYPrecipitation It is the falls of water in various forms on the earth form the clouds. The usual forms of the precipitation are rain and snow, although it may also occur in the form of sleet, glaze, hail, dew and frost Mean annual rainfall The daily rainfall collected from a rain gauge stations is totaled to obtain the yearly rainfall of that year. The mean annual rainfall is also known as the average annual rainfall. In India the precipitation cycle repeats roughly after 3. Infiltration It is the process by which water enters the soil from the ground surface. Infiltration first replenishes the soil moisture deficiency. The excess water then moves downwards by the force of gravity. This downward movement under gravity is called percolation. Infiltration responsible for subsurface and ground water flow. Infiltration The supply to ground water reservoir also depends upon infiltration. The water that enters the ground also provides moisture for the plant. The infiltration rate is used for the computation of the water loss due to infiltration for the determination of the surface runoff. Runoff A part of the precipitation flowing of a catchment area through a surface channel is called runoff. It is defined as the portion of the rainfall that makes its way towards river or ocean as surface or subsurface flow Estimation of runoff English desouza formula For ghat region of west India R 0. P 3. 0. 5 For Deccanplainregion RP 2. P 1. 7. 8 2 Khoslas formula RP 0. Tmannual runoff Rm. Pm Lm Lm. 0. 9. 8Tm for Tmgt. C 1. 7Factors affecting runoff Form of precipitation Intensity of precipitation Duration of precipitation Rainfall distribution over the catchment Direction of storm movement Antecedent precipitation index Meteorological factors.