New Eternal Wave


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The New 52 is a 2011 DC Comics event marking the relaunch of its entire line with the. La MaMa presents the World Premiere of iyouuswe by WHITE WAVE Young Soon Kim Dance Company at the 2017 La MaMa Moves Dance Festival. Metaphysics of God as One Infinite Eternal SubstanceGod. Metaphysics of God God as One Infinite Eternal Substance. God. God alone is the primary Unity, or original simple substance, from which all monads, created and derived, are produced. Gottfried Leibniz, 1. Except God no substance can be granted or conceived. Everything, I say, is in God, and all things which are made, are made by the laws of the infinite nature of God, and necessarily follows from the necessity of his essence. Benedict de Spinoza, Ethics, 1. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. I believe in Spinozas God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings. Albert EinsteinMany philosophers and scientists of the past have understood God. One Dynamic Substance. Promotional/Show2016/NewEternalWaves/Wave%2027.jpg' alt='New Eternal Wave' title='New Eternal Wave' />This is conducive to the pantheist conception. God as the Universe Nature Reality. The purpose of this website is. God from the new scientific paradigm of the Metaphysics of Space. Wave Structure of Matter. Thus according to WSM God is Waves in Space. Below you will also find an informative article on God including etymology, different names and religions, popular arguments for and against God and definitions. We hope you find it interestingSincerely,Geoff Haselhurst, Karene Howie, Email. This article focuses on the monotheistic concept of a singular God. The term God is ordinarily used to designate a singular, universal Supreme Being. However, there are countless variant definitions of this God. For example Many religious and philosophic systems consider God to be the creator of the universe. Some traditions hold that the creator of the universe is also the sustainer of the universe as in theism, while others argue that God is no longer involved in the world after creation as in deism. The common definition of God assumes omnipotence, omniscience and benevolence. However, not all systems hold that God is necessarily morally good. Others maintain that God is beyond the limited human understanding of morality. Negative theology argues that no true statements about attributes of God can be made at all, while agnostic positions argue that limited human understanding does not allow for any conclusive opinions on God whatsoever. Some mystical traditions ascribe limits to Gods powers, arguing that Gods supreme nature leaves no room for spontaneity. The concept of a singular God is characteristic of monotheism, but there is no universal definition of monotheism. The differences between monotheism and polytheism vary among traditions. Some concepts of God may include anthropomorphic attributes, gender and particular names, while others are purely transcendent or philosophic concepts. V5kX-fxsvenv6944548.jpg' alt='New Eternal Wave' title='New Eternal Wave' />Belief in God is often connected to concepts of absolute morality or truth, and sometimes to claims of exclusivity. There are variations on defining God either as a person, or not as a person but as an ambiguous impersonal force. Also at stake are questions concerning the possibilities of humanGod relations. There are countless variations in traditions of worship andor appeasement of God. Some espouse an exclusionist view, holding to one sole definition of God. Others hold an inclusionist view, accepting the possibility of more than one definition of God to be true at the same time. There are also atheistic explanations for the concept of God that can include psychological andor sociological factors. RxN-fykqmrw1835028.jpg' alt='New Eternal Wave' title='New Eternal Wave' />Etymology of God. The word God continues Old EnglishGermanic god gu, gudis in Gothic, Gott in modern German. The original meaning and etymology of the Germanic word god have been hotly disputed, though most agree to a reconstructed Proto Indo European form hutom which is a passive perfect participle from the root hu, which likely meant libation, sacrifice. Compare Vedic Sanskrit hu to sacrifice. Greek khu, kheu to pour. Common Germanic strong verb geutan Anglo Saxon gotan to pour, English in got. The connection between these meanings is likely via the meaning pour a libation. Another possible meaning of hutom is invocation, related to Sanskrit huta. The word God was used to represent Greek theos, Latin deus in Bible translations, first in the Gothic translation of the New Testament by Ulfilas. Names of God. The generic term God is the proper English name used for the deity of monotheistic faiths. Different names for God exist within different religious traditions. Allah IslamArabic. Jehovah, Yahweh based on the Hebrew name YHVH and Elohim are some of the names used for God in the Christian Bible. The Holy Trinity meaning The Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy SpiritHoly Ghost A name used primarily in Catholic and Eastern Orthodox prayers and liturgy. Most Hindus worship the personal form of God or Saguna Brahman, or Hindu trinity, as Vishnu, Shiva, or directly as Brahman through the Gayatri mantra. A common prayer for Hindus is the Vishnu sahasranama, which is a hymn describing the one thousand names of God. Sikhs worship God with the name Waheguru. Jah is the name of God in Rastafari. God is called Xavier in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Some churches United Church of Canada, Religious Science are using the One alongside God as a more gender neutral way of referring to God. History of monotheism. The religions widely thought of as monotheistic today are of relatively recent origin historically, although Eastern religions notably religions of China and India that have concepts of panentheism are difficult to classify along Western notions of monotheism vs. In the Ancient Orient, many cities had their own local god, but this henotheistic worship of a single god did not imply denial of the existence of other gods. The Hebrew Ark of the Covenant adapted this practice to a nomadic lifestyle, paving their way for a singular God. The cult of the solar god Aten is often cited as the earliest known example of monotheism, but even if Akhetatens hymn to Aten praises this god as omnipotent creator, worship of other gods beside him never ceased. Early examples of monotheism also include two late rigvedic hymns 1. Panentheistic creator god, Shri Rudram, a Vedic hymn to Rudra, an earlier aspect of Shiva, which expressed monistic theism, and is still chanted today, the Zoroastrian Ahuramazda and Chinese Shang Ti. The worship of polytheistic gods, on the other hand, is seen by many to predate monotheism, reaching back as far as the paleolithic. Today, monotheistic religions are dominant mainly due to the missionary efforts of Christianity and Islam, but polytheism, and to a lesser extent also animism, survive. Arguments for the existence of God. Arguments for or against the existence of God date back to classical times. Ontological arguments argue God exists by necessity or definition that Gods existence can be determined from consideration of Gods nature alone. JEAN LUC GODARD French New Wave Director. This is the most complete Jean Luc Godard biography available on the internet. We have broken it into chapters to make for easy reading, but if you think it would be easier to print, you can access a printer friendly version here. A Happy Childhood. Jean Luc Godard was born on December 3, 1. Paris. His father, Paul Godard, a Swiss doctor, moved the family to Switzerland four years later. His mother Odile Monod was from a wealthy protestant French background. Her father Julien Monod was one of the most prominent bankers in France and a well connected figure in literary circles whose closest friend was the writer Paul Valery. The couple had three other children Rachel, born January 1st 1. Claude, born in 1. Vronique, born in 1. The family settled in Nyon on the shores of Lake Geneva. Paul Godard worked in a private medical clinic nearby. The family was prosperous and cultured Godard later described his childhood as being like a kind of paradise. Solar Return Chart Software. During World War II the family remained in Switzerland, though they would make occasional trips across to the French side of the lake to visit Julian Monods estate. Young Jean Luc was already an avid reader who, by the age of fourteen, had graduated from childrens adventure stories to works by authors such as Andr Gide and Andr Malraux. He was also a keen sports fan who played tennis, skied and enjoyed football. The Black Sheep. In 1. Godard went to study at the Lyce Buffon in Paris where he intended to study advanced mathematics with the intention of entering engineering school. Instead, he became hooked on the cin club boom in the capital and began watching movies day and night. As a result he failed his baccalaureate exam in 1. Switzerland where he studied at a high school in Lausanne and lived with his parents. Relations between father and son were strained so Godard spent most of his spare time hanging around with other cinema enthusiasts in Geneva. He also tried his hand at painting after becoming interested in modern art. After finally passing his baccalaureate, Godard returned to Paris and enrolled at the Sorbonne in 1. He took courses in ethnology but soon abandoned his studies and applied to become a student at the citys leading film school IDHEC. The school rejected his application, so instead he studied film by watching movies at Henri Langlois Cinmatheque Francais and the Cin club Quarter Latin where he first became friends with two other film fanatics Francois Truffaut and Jacques Rivette. It was standard practice for them to see three or four films per day, or to spend an entire day in a single theatre. As Godard later wrote, the cinema screen was the wall we had to scale to escape from our lives. What Is Cinema Post war Paris was a place of great philosophical and political debate. The dominant intellectual figure was Jean Paul Sartre, a prolific writer and advocate of Existentialism, who poured forth novels, plays, philosophical essays, literary criticism and political commentary. Sartre believed it essential, after the experience of the war, that writers become engaged with politics, taking sides if necessary. In his case that meant siding with the far left. As a keen filmgoer and commentator on cinema himself, Sartre was opposed, along with most of the left, to the great influx of American films that flooded Paris after the war, seeing it as a sign of American cultural imperialism. Orson Welless Citizen Kane was one of the films he criticised for abandoning the realist naivet of pre war Hollywood, accusing Welles of making an abstract, intellectual film not rooted in the concerns of the masses. One critic who opposed this view was Andr Bazin, who, in an essay entitled The Technique of Citizen Kane, praised the film for its artistic richness, arguing that Welles reinvented the artform with techniques such as deep focus to tell the story. Bazin, who believed passionately in the objective reality of the film image, believed that long takes and the use of deep focus, as opposed to the use of editing and montage, produced a more faithful vision of the world. His emphasis on film technique and the aesthetic and spiritual qualities of cinema put him in opposition to leftists like Sartre who were more concerned with films social message. While both these thinkers influenced Godard, a younger critic proved even more of an inspiration. Maurice Schrer, born in 1. He had made his name as a critic with three articles for the magazine La Revue du cinema in which he attempted to formulate an ambitious and comprehensive theoretical definition of the cinema. In these articles he rejected Bazins emphasis on the depiction of uninterrupted three dimensional space, instead arguing that it was the way a director placed objects within that space, including actors, which gave it meaning. He also commended the use of actors speech and gesture as a crucial element in bringing the filmed image to life. Having read these essays, Godard began attending the Cin Club du Quartier Latin where Schrer, often introducing the evenings films and presiding over the energetic debates that followed, was the main presiding figure. Towards the end of 1. Schrer began publishing a magazine called La Gazette du cinema writing under the pseudonym of Eric Rohmer. X Family Letters Magazine Download South there. La Gazette du cinema lasted for only five editions before it folded. Godard contributed to almost every issue. Still only nineteen years old, he was already writing complex articles and reviews, which revealed an assured and original view of cinema. In his longest article, entitled Towards a Political Cinema, he argued that cinema was not just a representation of reality but part of the reality itself. In another piece, he stated At the cinema, we do not think, we are thought. For him, cinema had become a transformational experience in which the distance between the viewer and what occurred on the screen no longer existed by watching films you were already part of them. A Bohemian Life But it wasnt enough for Godard and his friends to simply watch and write about cinema, they wanted to make films themselves. Godard began by assisting Rohmer and Rivette with their first short films. In the case of Rivettes Quadrille, Godard provided the money to make it, later admitting that the funds came from stealing and selling books from his grandfather Julien Monods collection of Paul Valery first editions. In the meantime, he lived a bohemian existence in the left bank Saint Germain des Prs area, moving regularly between the apartments of family friends and cheap hotel rooms. Among his closest friends was the charismatic Paul Ggauff, a flamboyant right wing writer whose devil may care way of living his life exemplified a kind of daring individuality that Godard admired and aspired to at this time. In December 1. Godard claimed Swiss citizenship and joined his father on a trip to New York and from there on through the West Indies to South America. Far from relishing these new experiences, by all accounts he spent most of his time abroad alone in his room reading. Nevertheless his wanderings in South America, which he never spoke about, lent him an air of mystery and adventure when he returned to Paris in April 1. Truffaut was one of those who noticed Godard appeared more taciturn and withdrawn than he had been before though passion for cinema was just as strong as ever.